Upload Your Image

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Note : We accept the following file formats only:

Front File :


Note: Please make sure that the file name doesn't contain any of the following characters #?&/\;:*><"|

Large Files Upload

Please zip your images before uploading!!!

Upload File:
Note: Upload any size file you want to!!!

The maximum acceptable combined file size for all uploads is 75MB (megabytes).

Upload Time:
Depends on the size of your digital file and the speed of your internet connection, it may take a while to complete. Please wait until the upload is done. Upload Time for a 4MB file, with DSL, appr. 5 minutes.

All file formats must have a minimum of 350 dpi (dot per inch) resolution.
The images designed for the web are done at a low screen resolution of 72 dpi. Print images need to be created at 350 dpi or there will be a substantial drop in the image quality.

All color artwork and/or images must be provided in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color mode.
All black & white artworks and/or images must be provided in grayscale color mode.

For all business cards except for the 2" x 3.5" with round corners and 2.17" x 3.35" with round corners: please build your print-ready digital files by adding 0.1" bleed to each dimension. e.g. 3.5"x 2" business cards with bleed is 3.6"x 2.1"

For the 2" x 3.5" business card with round corners and 2.17" x 3.35" business card with round corners, please build your print-ready digital files by adding 0.325" bleed to each dimension. e.g. 2" x 3.5" business cards with round corners with bleed is 2.325" x 3.825"
Please design your files on ou templates to ensure proper bleed.